
Monday, July 1, 2013

Rope trimmed vintage suitcase side table - Artsy VaVa

Make a rope trimmed vintage suitcase sidetable by Artsy Va Va featured on I Love That Junk

This adorable vintage suitcase side table has stories galore to share I'm sure!

Although Virginia doesn't know the history of the suitcase, she certainly knows about the base. She's had it hiding in her storage facility (garage) for years. Not knowing what to do with it, there it sat. Until she landed 'the suitcase'.

Make a rope trimmed vintage suitcase sidetable by Artsy Va Va featured on I Love That Junk

The two married perfectly size wise except for a small gap in the corners. A cool rope detail hid the flaws AND added to the design. Love it!

What I LOVE about this:

This is one quirky cool mix. You don't expect to see a suitcase on top of a table base, let alone bright red. This works! It's fun and offers storage to boot!

Check out a few other details on how Virginia made this happen at:

More artsy DIY coolness can be found at Party Junk 193

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